Last Updated: 01-29-2025
- Hexiwin
is a free hex edit tool for Windows 7/8/10/11. It's a small simple hex editor I first made in 1998 while trying to learn windows programming.
I have just recently been trying to update it so it will run properly with more modern versions of Windows. Lately I've been working on adding support
for working with files of any size, which is what the good hex editors do. I've got it narrowed down to how it's done, but it's going to mean a lot of
changes being made, so got my work cut out for me. Like they say, if it's easy it ain't no fun, lol.
- hexidump-1.7.tar.gz
is a Linux command line utility I made before Hexiwin. It's the first program I made back in 1998 that actually does something
useful. It isn't anything special, but it seems to work alright for what it is. You can dump a file's hex and ascii values to a text file, or edit a file's hex or
ascii values, but it's a pain to edit files with this command line tool. It comes with the makefile, source code, and a prebuilt binary, but you may have
to build it on your own machine to get it to work. Notice! - Just noticed hexidump stopped working, so had to change the cflags in the makefile and
rebuild it to get it working again, sorry about that.
Checksum for hexidump-1.7.tar.gz: SHA-256: 88c450804d555f9886cdc37a51407ffdfbd3053abb2138a983c3afec5818a1cb
- iRedMail
is a great free mail server solution for Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD. I use iRedMail with Rocky Linux v9.4 for this mail server. It makes it
easy to setup a mail server in about 30-60 minutes. There's a payed version of iRedMail, but it is very expensive, and the free version does everything
I need to do. Years ago I used it to setup a mail server for a online stock market news company, and they had a lot of special requirments that had to
be met, so the free iRedMail version is good for buisness too.
- iRedMail Mailserver Setup This is a how-to for setting up a Linux mail server with iRedMail.
- Setting Up a Mail Server With Slackware Linux 15.0 is a how-to on setting up a Slackware Linux 15.0 mail server similar to an iRedMail setup, with MySQL,
Dovecot, Postfix, Postfix Admin, Webmin, Roundcube, Fail2ban, Amavis/Clamav/Spamassassin, Let's Encrypt SSL, Postgrey, Iptables, Logwatch, etc.
- SlackerMail-0.51.0.tar.gz Very similar to and inspired by iRedMail, but it runs on Slackware. I made this because iRedMail doesn't have support for
Slackware. Important! You'll have to read the instructions at SlackerMail setup before you can install SlackerMail mail server.
Checksum for SlackerMail-0.51.0.tar.gz: SHA-256: 6dca2dcbeeed885df75d6cb9fc6bfece3ca57f8f30731452bfe2a279c515b45a
- Setting up a basic Slackware NAS home server How-to on setting up a basic Slackware NAS server for home use.
- Roundcube
is a great free and open source webmail client. It is included with iRedMail, but you can update it fairly easy if needed.
- Let's Encrypt is a Certificate Authority (CA) that offers FREE SSL certificates that are just as secure as paid certificates.
- Slackware
is my favorite Linux distro. It was my first Linux distro back in 1994, and I know it better than any other distro. I now use Slackware with ZFS
filesystem support for my NAS servers. When I first tried to install Slackware back in 1994 it was an ordeal, and must have taken me at least 3 weeks to
finally get it up and running, and I celebrated with a six pack of beer. I had to order it online on CD from Walnut Creek Cdrom, because internet speed
wasn't fast enough to download anything as big as this. Linux people could be real snippy when you asked a question about getting it installed, and
would usually say RTFM, Read the F'n Manual!. I hated that, but I read manuals until I was dizzy. I soon got on a messagboard or a news group where
Linus Torvalds would talk to people about Linux kernel development. You better damn well know what you were talking about if you ever said anything
to him about Linux. He didn't suffer fools, and would give you a dressing down quick if you didn't know what you were talking about. I used to cringe
when I seen someone ask him a dumb question or make a ill-informed statement, and think oouch! he's going to get hammered. I never said anything,
just listened, my Mama didn't raise no fool, lol.
- Rocky Linux
is the Linux distro I use for my mail servers. I was using CentOS for years, because it was free and based on Red Hat Enterprise. CentOS
tracks ahead of Enterprise now, so I decided to switch, and Rocky Linux has worked out great. Rocky is based on Red Hat Enterprise like CentOS use to
be. Red Hat Enterprise stays behind the leading edge, and is known for it's stability and reliability, and that's why it is so popular as a web/mail server.
- Ubuntu Linux
is a great Linux distro that now comes with native ZFS support, and has the option to install on a ZFS filesystem. I've got a NAS server
running Ubuntu 22.04, and it's doing a great job. I do worry about how often Ubuntu updates, thinking something may break, but have had no problems
- Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a Linux system you make from scratch with the help of a downloadable book with step by step instructions. It can be tedious
to do, but you can learn a lot by building the system. You have to follow the instrutions close and don't miss a step, but still there may be things you will
have to figure out on your own to get it up and running. It came out in 1998, and I believe that's about the time I first built it, and it didn't seem so hard.
The last time I did it was about 8 months ago, and it seemed a lot harder to do, and just following instructions didn't make the system bootable, so had
to make some adjustments, maybe I'm just getting old. You may be able to do this in 1 full day, but it took me about 2-3 days to get it up and running.
It's fun to do if you like this sort of thing. Years ago I ran LFS as my main Linux system, and there are additional books you can download from LFS's site
like BLFS (Beyond Linux From Scratch) and Hints that can
show you how to take LFS to next level, and make a full fledged Linux system out of it.
- Proxmox VE is my favorite hypervisor for creating VM's and containers. It's great if you want to try out different OS's, or you need to check to see how a
program works in different OS's, and it's free. Proxmox is built on the Debian Linux OS, which is a great Linux OS, but I'm not a fan of their unnecessarily
confusing download pages for the OS. Proxmox was not hard to install at all, but when I last tried installing Debian OS on it's own I had a hard time, it just
seemed so unnessasarily confusing, but once you get Debian installed you've got a fine system.
- ZFS on Linux is the filesystem I use on my Slackware and Ubuntu NAS servers for all the storage drives. It is what some people call the "billion dollar filesystem".
If you highly value your data, ZFS is the way to go. If you want to read about what makes ZFS special, then check out ZFS's very impressive specifications Here.
- Webmin
is a great free tool for administering your web/mail servers. A lot of people will recommend against it, but if you set it up properly it is safe to use, and
gives you some amazing control over your server. I've been using it for years, and haven't had any security problems yet on my mail servers with Webmin. I'm
very familiar with working on the command line, but with Webmin I can do in a few minutes what would take 30+ mins on the command line. When it comes to
doing anything serious though, then it's always the command line. The filemanager and being able to check the logs quickly with Webmin is what makes it a valuble
tool to me. Midnight Commander (mc) with mouse support is an excellent Linux command line filemanger though, if you feel uncomfortable using Webmin.
- MemTest86 is a great free utility to check if your memory is faulty. Most of the time when I have a bsod or a computer freeze up it's been the memory causing
- PuTTY is an excellent free SSH and Telnet client for use in Windows or Unix type systems.
- Videos Some videos that you can watch.
- Old Windows, Dos, and PS1 Games Free downloads of some old Windows, Dos, and PS1 games.
- Dos, Windows, and PS1 Retro Gaming Info and downloads for retro gaming emulation and building retro gaming machines.
Video and Audio Tools
- FFmpeg is a free opensource video trancoder for Windows, Linux, and Mac, and is the "Mother" of video transcoders. It is what is under the hood of Handbrake and
many other GUI based transcoders. It is text based, and has a steep learning curve, but you can do about anything with it. Anyone serious about video would be smart
to learn FFmpeg well. I've read that YT uses a version of FFmpeg that they have modified, and that's how they are able to bring the video size down so much, but still
keep the quality high.
- Handbrake is a great free open source GUI based video transcoder for Windows, Linux, and Mac. It's actual transcoding is done by FFmpeg, the "Mother" of all transcoders.
You can convert to different video formats, downsize a video that has been ripped from a DVD or Bluray with MakeMKV, or use it to take clips out of videos with it's seconds
in and out settings for duration. It can do much more than what I've listed here, but those are the things I use it for. Handbrake is excellent, and makes working with video a
lot easier than FFmpeg, but it can spoil you too, so if you are very serious about video learn FFmpeg. You'll develop a greater understanding of what is going on, and be able
to do more with video.
- MakeMKV is a great free Windows, Linux, and Mac tool for ripping DVD's and Bluray's, and a must have.
- MKVToolNix Matroska tools for Linux/Unix and Windows. I use this to join two or more mkv videos together.
- Subtitle Edit is a great free open source tool for editing subtitles, eg changing fonts, colors, etc.
- Audacity is a great free open source audio tool for Windows, Linux, and Mac, and a must have.
- VLC media player is a great free media player+ for Windows, Linux, and Mac, and a must have. It is also good for editing videos, like adding an mp3 to an mp4.
- Foobar2000 is a great free audio player for Windows, and there is a version for Mac I believe. This is also a great tool to extract audio from a CD and merge all songs into
a single Mp3 file.
- OBS Studio Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Great to use for screen capturing movies or gameplay.
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